Monday 13 August 2007

Pan Sonic - Bass Explosion

I finally got hold of a copy the most recent Pan Sonic album, Katodivaihe in a music video exchange in London a week ago, it was pretty cheap too, so I was pleased. After copying said album to my ipod, it didnt get listenend to for at least two days, until I remembered it was there on a rather busy rush hour train. The passengers had no idea that I was stuck in some super-urban Orwelian world of doom, everything turned concrete grey, the skyline jagged, the sky forboding. The bass on this thing is just mental. It sounds like the apocalypse.

"Lahetys/Transmission" sounds, literally, like atom bombs equipped with subwoofers, dropping and mushroom-clouding into an industrial wasteland of grinding beats and metal against metal. "Koneistaja/Machinist" flips out a chainsaw to an early Warp-ish beat. For the whole length of its fourteen tracks alien insects swarm around industrial grooves, offset to a crushing bass. Sick.

If you have decent speakers it works just as well, but coccooning yourself in the swelling sub bass of Katodivaihe via the medium of headphones is preferable. Also, walking round dark city centres alone at night will enhance the experience. If you can do neither, turn it up and shut your eyes.

Pan Sonic - Lähetys/Transmission

(I also apologise for the terrible metaphors used in this piece, mostly the one about sub woofers and atom bombs, they are however, entirely appropriate.)

1 comment:

James A. Reeves said...

So happy to read about Panasonic! And thanks for posting their new scary track - didn't realize they were still going at it. Their 1996 Kulma LP was a masterpiece. I tried describing the panic attack inspired by one of their shows in Detroit a while back (see here).